
Swim Course


Swim will be ‘with the sweep’ of the current. At this stage it is expected that this will be a start at Rainbow Beach SLSC with the swim headed in the direction of Inskip Point. The swim will be ONE ‘lap’ of a ‘point to point’ swim.

Bike Course


Gympie Regional Council have come on board as our event partner to support this event and have enabled us to close the road between Rainbow Beach and Inskip Point for the cycle leg. The cycle leg is a single loop out and back course from transition, along Clarkson Dr and out on Inskip Av. The cycle leg is on sealed bitumen roads and is mostly flat with very few turns.

Run Course


The run leg is a 2 lap course from transition at the corner of Griffen Esp and Clarkson Dr. From transition, participants turn into Kirchner Ave, then into Wide Bay Esp, into Ocean View Pde, Green Valley Dr, and finally into Carlo Crl. The turn-around point is in Carlo Crl. Participants then head back towards transition, turning for the second loop at the intersection of Kirchner Ave and Wide Bay Esp and heading back to Carlo Crl. From there participants head for the finish line.